Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Orlando Wetlands Park–Boardwalk

The new boardwalk at OWP

Orlando Wetlands Park has opened up a new boardwalk spanning the center of Lake Searcy; it passes very near the cypress swamp out in the middle where a lot of birds (especially roseate spoonbills) nest.  The boardwalk offers some really nice photo opportunities.

Roseate Spoonbills
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Of course there are still alligators around that like to hang out for photos

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I’m also starting to practice with the camera lenses on my new phone as well as with a Nikon camera and zoom lens.  The fixed lenses on the phone do pretty well, but the digital zoom leaves a little to be desired.  The zoom lens on the regular camera does a nice job, but I think I’m gonna need some more practice with it.

Roseate Spoonbills
Wood Storks

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